I'm Grateful for Purdue!
Thanksgiving is a great time of the year to sit back and reflect on all that we are thankful for in our lives. When it comes to Purdue, there are plenty of things to be thankful for. Here are a few! I’m thankful for Starships! If you’ve ever been on campus at Purdue, you’ve undoubtedly seen the petite, sleek little robots roaming the campus at will. They’re almost as frequent as the squirrels! Not only are these little devices adorable, they’re also important to the Purdue ecosystem. They have an essential duty: keeping college students fed. With the Starship app, students can order from a multitude of places on campus, whether it’s nationally known such as Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, or Panera, or campus favorites like Au Bon Pain, Cosi, or Harrison Grill. While they do serve a noble purpose, their presence also adds to the overall aesthetic of campus. They can be seen navigating the topsy-turvy routes of West Lafayette or patiently waiting at a crosswalk to avoid an unfortunate collisi...