
Showing posts from April, 2023

Understanding Purdue Housing

One of the many concerns incoming freshmen have is what to do regarding their housing options. In addition to the roommate selection process, you may be interested in seeing your on-campus options in terms of amenities and the communities available within the building. For example, when I accepted my admission to Purdue as a freshman, I knew I was interested in a standard double that I had experienced at a summer college program. To ensure my University Residences housing, I applied to Vertically Integrated Projects so that I would be able to pursue a research project as a freshman while also guaranteeing my housing within Earhart Hall through the connected learning community. For more information on learning communities, read our previous blog! Many freshmen will live in a residence hall, even if they are not in a specific learning community. Now, as a Resident Assistant or RA in Earhart Hall, I have been trained on the term “residence hall”; our halls go beyond a traditional “dormito...

I'm Coming To Purdue! Now What?

We know you’re so focused on college applications and the decision process all year, but then May 1st comes and suddenly you're finished. You did it! Time for some well deserved rest as you get excited to join us this fall. I’ll share some ways to stay involved with Purdue over the summer as you prepare for your first semester of college.  Ella and Emily by the Engineering Fountain Purdue Orientation Programs One of your first steps to starting your Purdue journey is completing orientation. This consists of Purdue 101, Academic Advising, Purdue 102, and Boiler Gold Rush! Purdue 101 is a module on Brightspace, our online learning platform, that will introduce you to Purdue. Once you complete it, you will meet with an academic advisor to fill out your Fall 2023 Course Request Form (CRF). This is how you will register for your first college classes (so exciting!). Then you will transition to Purdue 102, a second online module focusing on the transition to college and campus resources....

Dear Olivia: Sisterly Advice on Engineering at Purdue

After all of that hard work in high school, you did it and got into Purdue Engineering. The transition from high school to college can be a tricky time, but with some sisterly advice from someone who has been in your shoes not too long ago, you’ll thrive here. Here are my four best tips on that transition. Olivia, my younger sister who is an incoming first year engineering student this fall. Believe in yourself! Engineering can definitely be a daunting major, as I personally was really nervous about going into engineering as an incoming student. It was strange for me to go from an environment where everything came naturally to me to one where I had to work a little harder outside of the classroom to truly understand the concepts. This was a hard adjustment to make, as it seemed like everyone around me knew what was going on. But the more I got to know my classmates, the more I realized how similar they were to me and that we all were feeling the same way. It is important to ...

What are All the Purdue Acronyms?

PUID? PSEF? WiE? Engineers seem to love to use acronyms for everything, even here at Purdue. The use of so many acronyms can often be overwhelming, especially if one is new to engineering. If you were unsure what an acronym meant, you have come to the right page. This page will have many of the common acronyms used at Purdue grouped by categories, such as engineering discipline, clubs, and general Purdue acronyms. Many websites listed near the acronym can provide you with more information, as this is only a brief list of the most common acronyms. For the best use of this page, I recommend you use Ctrl + F or Command + F to quickly find the acronym you are looking for. General Purdue Acronyms: PUID (Purdue University ID): This is a 8-digit number that can be found on your Student ID Card. Sometimes, you may be asked for a 9-digit or 10-digit PUID number. If this is the case, put the number 0 in front of your 8-digit ID number so that your ID becomes 9 or 10 digits. (Ex: 0012345678) CRF ...