The Importance of Research Experience

Samples from Brittany's research with phosphorus isotope extraction methods
When making the decision about which college to attend, it is always important to consider your end goal. To define this goal, it can be helpful to envision yourself in five to ten years. Where are you working? Are you in research or industry? Did you go to graduate, law, or medical school? What is your dream job? Once you have defined your goal, think about how to get there. Or, if you can’t clearly see what you want to be doing in the future, think about how to discover your true passions and goals.
Personally, when I tried to think about my goal after college as a freshman, I was conflicted. I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do with my degree, as I didn’t have experience in industry or research. I panicked everytime someone asked me what my future plans were, but then I realized that it was perfectly normal to not have everything figured out. That’s why we go to college, and a university like Purdue, where there are ample career fairs and research opportunities to take advantage of, is the perfect place to explore and experience.
During my freshman year at Purdue, I got involved in a research lab, as I wanted to see if it was the path for me. Purdue is an R1 University, meaning that there are tons of research projects going on all around campus at all times. Most of this is located in the ever-growing, state-of-the art facilities of Discovery Park, Purdue’s research park located on campus. Because of the huge research involvement at Purdue, there are always professors and scientists looking for student help, so step up and get involved. For many students, securing a position is as simple as searching online for professors or labs around campus that study something you are interested in, emailing the leader of that lab and scheduling a time to meet up, and then asking if they have any openings. Oftentimes, they either will take you on themselves or refer you to another lab that is looking for help. Remember, everyone is looking out for you here to help you reach your goals!
Speaking of those goals, I believe that getting involved in research for any amount of time, whether you are planning to pursue lab work after college or not, is extremely important. For me, working in a lab gave me the insight that I needed to decide between research and industry. It also taught me many skills, giving me experience in group speaking, experimental design, professional teamwork and conduct, and product development. I also got the opportunity to be published...twice! All-in-all, research is amazing for personal and professional development, as it helps you build your all-essential network as well as your resume, which are important for any field or path you choose to take. If you do decide that you would like to continue in the research field in any capacity, the experience that Purdue can offer you will help you achieve your dream goal and career.
Brittany Kent, ABE 2021
Recruitment Project Committee
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