
Showing posts from June, 2020

A Recent Grad Looks Back

With gratitude for the people and experiences I found at Purdue, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on some of the perspectives that helped me to find joy and personal development throughout my college experience. Brittany during her freshman year in 2016 (top) and graduating in 2020 (bottom) Change is inevitable – try to make the most of it. I still distinctly remember the sinking feeling I had moving into my room in Shreve freshman year that things would never be the same.  While I was excited about what Purdue had to offer, I was terrified of this life-changing moment. I was going to have to make new friends; I wouldn’t be living with my family. It seemed like the end of an era, and I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.  However, time goes on whether you allow it to or not. I knew that whether I started making my home at Purdue or not, that life was changing and I needed to accept it. Remembering that moment has helped me so much with this unusual graduation and life transition...

A Previous LT Reflects: Alumna Blog

Before coming to Purdue, I wasn’t sure exactly where I would best fit in, or if engineering was even right for me. Luckily, the First-Year Engineering program -- what I believe truly sets Purdue apart from other colleges -- helped me realize that I enjoyed engineering and that mechanical engineering was my passion. Outside of class, I quickly found my home in the Women in Engineering Program’s recruitment team, called WE Link. I was able to join the leadership team the second semester of my freshman year, which provided so much leadership experience and a close-knit network early-on in my collegiate career. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that my internships, other extra-curricular and closest friends all somehow arised from WE Link, and I will always be ever grateful to Purdue WIEP for giving me an outlet to grow! After graduating in 2019 , I started full-time at Honda Manufacturing of Indiana as a Tech Engineer in the Assembly Frame Department. My group is responsible for desig...