Finding Balance: What Women in Engineering Do Outside of the Classroom

Becca (MSE '24) acting as meet coordinator for the 2022 Big 10 Diving Championship. Purdue has many unique ways to pursue what you are passionate about.

It’s a common misconception and stereotype that engineering students do not “have a life” outside of engineering itself. This often manifests in an image of a student bent over their laptop coding, writing, or solving problems for an endless stream of assignments. However, Boilermakers find a way to pursue their passions outside of the classroom that allow them to grow creatively and professionally while having fun! Purdue University is full of unique opportunities for you to take advantage of as a student. Here are a few of the favorite clubs, on-campus jobs, and activities women in engineering here at Purdue have been involved with.

Clara, IE ‘24: Purdue Contemporary Dance Company

I knew I wanted to continue dancing in college. My older sister was involved in Purdue Contemporary Dance Company (PCDC), so I decided to join as well. PCDC has brought great new friends into my life, taught me how to be creative through expressive dance movements and vocabulary, and has been my creative outlet the past two years. The company is open and supportive to everyone and generates the most amazing environment to dance in. PCDC has given me the opportunity to learn, dance, perform, and create friendships at Purdue.

Emily, CE ‘25: Purdue Gymnastics Club

One of my favorite things here at Purdue I am involved in is the Purdue Gymnastics Club. I had known Purdue had this club before coming here and learned more about them from their booth at the Be-Involved Fair at the beginning of the year. It’s introduced me to a ton of amazing people I wouldn’t have met outside of the club and allows me to continue to do my favorite sport at the pace I want to. It’s great to know that after a long day, I can de-stress at gymnastics.

Athulya (ABE '24) and a few of her sorority sisters from Alpha Chi Omega. Greek life is a popular way to get further involved within the Purdue community.

Athulya, ABE ‘24: Alpha Chi Omega Sorority

I decided to go through the recruitment process because I wanted to be more involved at Purdue and make the campus feel a bit smaller. I joined Alpha Chi Omega (AXO) Sorority this year and it has helped me so much in making new friends and getting involved in new opportunities. I really enjoyed speaking to all the girls in my house during recruitment, and they made me feel really comfortable and excited to join a sorority. AXO has allowed me to make so many close friends that I can count on for anything. Being in a sorority is a great way to build communication skills and form long-lasting friendships. I’m able to be active in community service work and further build my networking skills to make the most of my college experience.

Becca, MSE ‘24: Manager of the Purdue Diving Team

One of the most fun and rewarding things I have been able to be involved with outside of the classroom has been being a student manager for the Purdue Diving Team. My role involves recording and labeling athletes’ dives during practice, coordinating home competition logistics, and most importantly, braiding hair for meets. I learned so much about people and event management from these roles. I have also learned many important organizational and leadership skills to be a dependable member of a team. I absolutely love my job, as it is a great way to be involved in something I am passionate about and all of the incredible and unique experiences I have been able to have as a result.

These are just a few of the many things you can get involved in as Purdue students! There are plenty of clubs and activities for you to find your fit here. If you have any more questions about how to get involved on campus, feel free to reach out to us through email or our social media. Also, check out Purdue’s BoilerLink website to find a full list of the registered student organizations on campus.

Becca Jennings, MSE '24

WE Link Leadership Team

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