Say YES to Purdue!

With the May 1st acceptance deadline quickly approaching, and this year’s Purdue’s For Me events wrapping up, I can’t help but think back to two years ago when I was making my decision to come to Purdue. I remember the day so clearly when I said “yes” to Purdue. I had visited for one of the Purdue’s For Me sessions in February of 2020, right before the world turned upside down, and I am so thankful for that visit. That night, when I got home, I accepted my offer and was excited to officially call myself a Boilermaker. From that visit there were 3 main take-aways that helped aide my decision. Now as a student, this continues to ring true, and I hope that they can help you also say YES to Purdue.

1. Top 10 Engineering School

With more than 13 types of engineering, Purdue consistently ranks in the top 10 and offers students room to grow and find their passions. One of the best things about the Purdue engineering program, is starting students off in the First-Year Engineering (FYE) program. This allows students to explore the many disciplines within engineering and reduces the pressure and stress of choosing a discipline right out of high school. The FYE program helped me realize that civil engineering was the right discipline for me.

2. Huge Alumni Network

It seems like anywhere you go around the United States, and even around the world, you will hear that familiar “Boiler Up!” as you walk by in your Purdue gear. Purdue has a large network of alumni in all different fields, which is beneficial to your personal network. Throughout the year, Purdue hosts numerous career fairs, with the biggest one being Industrial Roundtable. At Industrial Roundtable, nearly every booth has recruiters that are Purdue alumni. It is advantageous to be interviewed by Purdue alumni because they understand the ways Purdue has prepared you to be the best working professional.

3. Collaborative Community

A few weeks ago, I had a prospective student and her family ask why they had heard the word “collaborative” so often during their visit. I chuckled a little because I remembered thinking that same thing during my visit two years ago. It was a word that stuck out during many of the information sessions and tours. I assured them that it wasn’t something we were told to say, but us students can’t help but say it because it’s the best way to describe the community at Purdue. As a student, the collaborative environment has remained true. All our peers, faculty, and staff want to see us succeed and are always willing to lend a helping hand. The collaborative community doesn’t just apply to academic group work, or study sessions, but also in our personal and professional lives as well. There always seems to be someone I can go to to get advice, and I know I have a support system in place for whenever I may need it. That’s why for me, and so many other Boilermakers, we can’t help but use the word collaborative to describe our community.

Two years ago, I made the best decision of my life and committed to Purdue University. I hope you do the same and come join the Women in Engineering Program, so that you too can reach your full potential as a college student and engineer!

Have any questions? Reach out to us at The WE Link Leadership team is here to help!

Alena Megregian, CE '24

WE Link Leadership Team

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