What to Look for When Narrowing Down your College Search

Now that it is mid-September (crazy, right?), it is time for college application season to get into full swing! This can sometimes be an overwhelming process since there are so many universities you can visit and apply to this fall. So, we’ve compiled a short list of 5 things to help you narrow down your search and find the right place for you (which we hope is Purdue)!

1. Connections, connections, connections!

Are you someone who has always wanted to work for NASA? What about Proctor and Gamble or General Mills? Look at the profiles of people who work there and see where they went to school or where these companies recruit from! Something special about Purdue, and one of the big reasons why I came here, is the size and reach of the alumni network. You may feel like you cannot go anywhere without running into a proud Purdue graduate. Boilermakers touch every industry you could imagine. When you are looking for a job or even an internship at your dream company, you will be glad to have a connection from your university!

2. Program quality recognition

Program quality is important to consider in the college search as it ties in a lot with my previous point about connections. There is a reason many great companies hire Purdue engineers! Purdue engineers are hardworking, smart, and just great people to work with. Purdue Engineering is recognized year after year as one of the top undergraduate engineering programs in the country. For 2023, Purdue is ranked at #9 for undergraduate engineering programs with schools such as Industrial Engineering and Agricultural and Biological Engineering ranked at #2! Purdue prepares you so well for whatever your next steps and giant leaps are after you graduate.

3. Happy students!

When I was on a college visit, the university ambassadors made a point to claim they had the happiest students in the country and encouraged us visitors to walk up to students and ask them “are you happy here?”. At just about every school I visited after that, I made it a point to ask my tour guides or other random students that question. College is a fun, enjoyable experience! You can tell a lot about university culture and quality of life by talking to students who will be honest about their experiences. School can be tough sometimes, but many Purdue students will say they love it here and could talk about it for hours. If you are able, try to set up a time to talk with a student from the university you are visiting whether that is a friend from high school or reaching out to programs such as the Women in Engineering Program when you are at Purdue to get connected.

4. The feeling of “home”

I remember visiting Purdue and everything just feeling...right. I couldn’t explain it any other way than feeling at home. The people, the school pride, the incredible engineering program, no other school could compete with the way Purdue made me feel. When you think of a university you visited, picture yourself there amongst the students. If this excites you and brings you joy, that is how you know you have found a place to call home.

5. See if the school has a Women in Engineering Program!

Many schools do not have a program like this, but both myself and many other women have found this program to be an extremely valuable piece in our college experiences. Purdue’s Women in Engineering Program is designed to help you succeed in your time here by providing many different resources: tutoring, networking opportunities, volunteering and leadership experiences, and so much more! All of these things will help you be a better and more prepared engineer entering into your career.

These are just a few things to help you in your college search! If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us via social media or our email.

Becca Jennings, MSE '24

WE Link Leadership Team

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Email: welink@purdue.edu

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