Organizations to Get Involved in Within Your Discipline

Discipline-oriented organizations can be a great way to become more involved within your engineering related interests and gain great leadership and networking skills. They are also a way to collaborate with other like-minded individuals and have access to professional developmental experiences. Purdue offers a multitude of different organizations that are tailored to the different disciplines offered through engineering. These organizations are a great way to start and develop your pathway to the engineering industry while still being a college student.

American Society of Engineers/Engineering

Purdue offers professional societies of engineering in which students can join to be involved in projects, programs, workshops, and social events. The American Society of Civil Engineers is the only professional society at Purdue that includes all specialty fields within Civil Engineering. Student members compete in regional competition events, Indiana ASCE Section Meetings, and national conferences as representatives of Purdue. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers allows for FYE students to join and become more involved within the discipline before declaring their major. The Society of Ecological and Environmental Engineers provides an opportunity to spread more awareness about the field and offers an efficient way to form study groups and interact with fellow students. Most of these organizations also offer free food and beverages at their events, so you are welcome to pop in for a quick snack and learn more about how to get involved.

Engineering Student Advisory Council

Student Advisory Councils are a great way to facilitate relations between students and faculty within your desired discipline. The Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Student Advisory Council regularly meets to discuss potential methods and solutions for professor-student interactions. They continue fostering interactions with both parties to allow for feedback on how the department can improve based on student concerns. The Civil Engineering Student Advisory Council strives to include engineering students in all phases of engineering and build the partnership between students, faculty, administrators, alumni, and industry. The Chemical Engineering Student Advisory Council also works to better the engineering department and consists of four executive officers and eight student representatives. 

Engineering Ambassadors

Being a part of an Engineering Ambassador organization means that you have the opportunity to represent your department and show students what being an engineer in your discipline entails. The Mechanical Engineering Ambassadors is an organization that is committed to serving engineering students in related disciplines. They also work to provide further knowledge about mechanical engineering at Purdue to prospective students. The Agricultural and Biological Engineering Ambassadors promote the department through lab demonstrations, information sessions, and building tours. The Agricultural and Biological Engineering Ambassadors is not only a club, but also a class that helps to promote professional development skills through guest speakers and outreach activities. 

There are many other ways to further your passion for your engineering discipline at Purdue, but one of the most popular ways is to join these organizations. In doing, you are allowing yourself to develop beyond just the instructional classrooms and setting up your career pathway for success.

Athulya Nair, ABE '24

WE Link Leadership Team

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