Hidden Gems to Explore When at Purdue

    Being an engineer, it can be easy to get caught up in all of the assignments and deadlines from all of your classes. Although it is important to focus on your academics and stay on top of your work, it is also important to give your mind a well-deserved break every once in a while. West Lafayette and Downtown Lafayette have some great options if you’re looking for ways to destress and explore what’s in the area!

Downtown Lafayette

    Downtown Lafayette has many different types of activities if you want to take a break from studying. You can go and hand-make candles with your own chosen scent at a small candle shop, go to an escape room with friends, or even go axe-throwing! The opportunities are endless, and even simply window shopping through the boutiques and trinkets shops can be the perfect activity to help you clear your head. If you do not have a car on campus, you can take the CityBus to go to various locations downtown, and it is free for Purdue students with a valid Purdue photo ID!

Farmer’s Markets

    During the warmer months, the Farmer’s Market is perfect for exploring the different fresh produce, honey, jams, and flowers. There are two main farmer’s markets that are open to the public: one in Lafayette and one right on campus! Farmer’s Markets are a great way to enjoy the nice weather and support local businesses. Not only is there food available for purchase, but there are also different forms of music and artwork to peruse. The Farmer’s Market in Downtown Lafayette is open on Saturdays from May through October. The Farmer’s Market on Purdue’s campus is open on Thursdays from June through October.

Activities in the Purdue Memorial Union

    Many college students like to go to the Purdue Memorial Union to get retail food using their meal swipes or to study in one of the many study spaces, but there is so much more that the Union offers. The Union has its very own bowling alley called the Union Rack and Roll that has 10 bowling lanes and 4 billiard tables. Walk-ins and reservations are welcome, so it’s a perfect place to hang out with friends on campus and have a fun time. The Union also offers bingo nights and open mic nights that you can attend to meet new people and explore your passions.

The Starry Night Festival

    The Starry Night Festival is another great opportunity to get involved with the community through music, food, and artwork. It is an annual street festival that is hosted by Purdue Christian Campus House and Greyhouse Coffee and Supply Co. in order to promote awareness for the Isaiah 117 House, a non-profit organization that provides care to children waiting for foster home placement. Merchants set up their tents within Chauncey Square, and thousands of people come together to enjoy the different activities available.

Concerts Hosted at Purdue

    Not only does Purdue Convocations host amazing Broadway and theater performances acted by Purdue students, but they also allow famous artists to hold concerts on campus. Artists such as Christian French, Yung Gravy, Tai Verdes, and more have had concerts in Loeb Playhouse and Elliot Hall of Music. Attending one of these performances at Purdue is a great way to take a break from your engineering work and enjoy some special productions!

    Between on campus and off campus activities, you are guaranteed to always have something to do if you want to take a break from academics. There are so many amazing experiences that I have made by exploring campus and Lafayette, and it is the perfect way to enjoy your college years! 

Athulya Nair, ABE '24

Leadership Team Member

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