From the Other Side of IR: Your Value as a Purdue Engineer

Something I wish I had known more about when coming to college was about how important university connections with companies were for your future. If it has always been your dream to be a scientist at NASA, work on developing cancer-fighting drugs at Eli Lilly, or create the next generation of electric vehicles at Tesla, Purdue is deeply connected with these companies that want to hire Purdue engineers. Every year, Purdue hosts a huge career fair called Industrial Roundtable (IR) where over 400 different companies are looking to recruit students for internships, co-ops, and full-time jobs. The sheer size of this event is a testament to how highly valued the education and degree of a Purdue engineer is!

This year, IR looked a little different for me as I was able to sit on the other side of the recruiting table as an ambassador for the company where I interned this past summer. This change in perspective has really made me appreciate not only what these recruiters do but also the caliber of the Purdue education that prepares you to talk to these companies and–hopefully–land employment. I was very impressed by many of the students that came up to our booth which helped me realize why so many of these companies send people to recruit from Purdue. From this experience, I have gathered some of the reasons why companies hire Purdue Engineers.

1.) Purdue Engineers are Passionate and Hardworking

To even be admitted to Purdue for engineering, you have a very strong educational background and foundation that precedes you. That is a no-brainer, and something that recruiters are well-aware of. However, what stood out to me about many of the people who visited our booth was not only their connection to products from our company but also the passion they had for the profession they are interested in. I enjoyed listening to students tell me about their favorite projects they had worked on outside of the classroom and their experiences working at other internships or co-ops. I could tell that their Purdue education had taken them far beyond the classroom and enabled them to work on things they care about. This is really attractive to employers, especially at companies students are excited about working for since they know that the best work comes from passionate work.

2.) Purdue Engineers are Eager to Learn

It’s easy to feel intimidated by job descriptions on the website, especially if you don’t feel like you check every box that is listed. However, I was again impressed by the number of students who came, stood in line, and asked questions about the specific work being done at our company. While we couldn't give them all the details, they were really curious to learn more, asking technical questions where they could. Asking questions like this is a sign to me that they would be successful in tackling the problems they would face in an internship or full-time job. There is no such thing as a perfect, universal solution, and life as an engineer is about life-long learning about how to make things better. This translates seamlessly from the classroom to the field. You’re never going to know everything, but if you ask questions and are curious about the problem, you are able to discover solutions. Purdue students are very prepared to take on the challenges before them with this attitude!

3.) Purdue Engineers are Everywhere and Come back to Recruit!

One of the reasons I decided to come to Purdue was the expansive alumni network. It almost feels like you can’t go anywhere without running into a Purdue graduate. Now as a college senior, I can confirm that statement still holds true, especially in the workplace. You can find Boilermakers all over the map in all different kinds of positions at a variety of companies. At my IR table, the majority of us at the recruiting table were Purdue graduates, students, and affiliates. I think this is really important to understand because as a student coming to IR, you are talking to people who have been in your shoes once: they know the classes you’ve taken, the projects you’ve worked on, the clubs you’re in, and the experiences you’ve had in your time here. We know what you are going through and resonate with that. What makes people stand out is how they take control of their personal story and make it theirs! Purdue is a huge school with so much to offer, so there are so many ways for you to forge your own path. Not once did I read a resume or hear a story that was 100% the same, and that is really cool. Each class and generation of Boilermakers has something new and unique to offer since we know that education is ever-growing and ever-changing. Purdue stays current, and because companies and alumni have seen that evolution, they know where they are going to find the best pool of candidates: Purdue.

Purdue prepares students so well, anything is possible. This is why there are just so many options and opportunities to choose from! While it can be overwhelming walking up to Memorial Mall during the week of IR, with tables lining the grounds from end to end, know that all those companies are here for you, to meet you, and to hire you! Purdue engineers are worth it! When you are a Purdue engineer, you can set out to follow the path to that dream job. When you're applying to college, look and see where you're "dream employers" are hiring as well!

Becca Jennings, MSE '24

WE Link Leadership Team

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