Making the Most of High School While Finishing College Applications

Senior year of high school is such a busy time, but it is also an important year to live in the moment! It is your last year of high school, and for a lot of people, your last year with your family in your hometown. While it is important to put your best foot forward into your applications and schoolwork, it is also important to be intentional about enjoying your life.

Don’t sacrifice your joy

While your to-do list is often long between juggling college applications, school work, extracurriculars, and a social life, time management is such an important skill to learn! Sometimes, it’s important to put tasks aside and take time to do something that brings you joy. I spent Halloween night my junior year on my bedroom floor writing my common app essay, but this meant I missed out on a special night with my family. Be intentional with the people closest to you, whoever that may be! I’ve found that making time for joy will also help you be more motivated and productive when you do sit down to get work done.

Time management is key!

This is something that will be true for the rest of your life, so start now to build habits that will set you up for success in college. When you do have time blocked out for studying or working on college applications, put away distractions and focus on the task at hand. This allows you to get these assignments done quicker, and often better! The same applies for the time you are having fun. Live in the moment and focus on one task at a time.

Find ways to make the process more fun

Throughout the college application process, my best friend and I often found ourselves overwhelmed with the constant to do list. From finding schools to apply to, writing essays, making the decision, and applying to scholarships, it felt like there was always a next step. We decided to take intentional steps to enjoy the process. My best friend and I would often meet at the local historical village and sit out on one of the picnic tables. One of us would grab pumpkin chai lattes or Graeter's ice cream, and we would sit outside with the changing leaves and beautiful buildings. We would write and proofread essays, apply for scholarships, and complete our physics homework together. It made the application process so much more enjoyable because we were with each other in a place we loved. We were able to laugh and joke around while also being productive and completing our college applications!

As always, if you have any further questions feel free to reach out over email or social media!

Ella Richardson, ME '25

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