Letter to My High School Self
In high school and college there is so much going on, and it can be a busy and stressful experience at times. As college students who have been through similar experiences, here are some things we wish we could tell our high school selves to help them through the stressful times and make the most of their academic careers.
"If I could go back in time and change anything about my high school and early college experience, I would join more clubs and get more involved in student activities. I was very focused on academics in high school and spent sparse time participating in events at my school. Although it is important to spend time focusing on academics, especially in college, it is just as important to make time for clubs, sports and other activities that serve as a creative and social outlet. When I started joining new clubs in college, it completely changed my experience for the better. I met so many new people and found new activities to enjoy."
Madison Meunier ChE ‘27
"To my high school and college freshman self, I would say that it is important to spend more time with your high school friends before the end of your senior year. In my experience, it becomes a lot harder to regularly see each other once you go to different schools and start different schedules. Making time to hangout before the end of the school year and after graduation can keep you connected before you split ways for college. I would also tell myself to try to keep up with my hobbies and interests from high school. Purdue offers so many different student-run clubs that it can be easy to keep up with your hobbies - from knitting to reading to playing sports. College can also be a great time to try something new; I myself got involved with the Recruitment Project Committee and was able to use my creativity and re-invigorate my passion for writing."
Lily Brodzinski, ChE ‘25

Madison Meunier ChE ‘27
"To my high school and college freshman self, I would say that it is important to spend more time with your high school friends before the end of your senior year. In my experience, it becomes a lot harder to regularly see each other once you go to different schools and start different schedules. Making time to hangout before the end of the school year and after graduation can keep you connected before you split ways for college. I would also tell myself to try to keep up with my hobbies and interests from high school. Purdue offers so many different student-run clubs that it can be easy to keep up with your hobbies - from knitting to reading to playing sports. College can also be a great time to try something new; I myself got involved with the Recruitment Project Committee and was able to use my creativity and re-invigorate my passion for writing."
Lily Brodzinski, ChE ‘25

"During my junior and senior year of high school, I spent a lot of time worrying about my future at Purdue. I was nervous that I wouldn't make friends and questioned whether I’d be able to succeed academically. However, all the worrying was unnecessary. After my first semester at college, I found friends that helped me grow as a person and support from the facility with my academics. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help with school. Purdue offers tutoring services, study sessions, office hours, and more! Looking back, I wish I had been more optimistic and less focused on my fears. So don't let your fears hold you back from doing something new. College is a time for new experiences, and the challenges you face are often the ones that help you grow the most."
Grace Fuller, FYE ‘28
The transition from high school to college can seem scary but hopefully our advice will comfort you. Everyone has a different journey but all of us on the RPC team can say that we found our homes here at Purdue. Boiler Up!
Grace Fuller, FYE ‘28
The transition from high school to college can seem scary but hopefully our advice will comfort you. Everyone has a different journey but all of us on the RPC team can say that we found our homes here at Purdue. Boiler Up!
Recruitment Project Committee
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