How to Start Your Semester Strong: Tips from Current Students

It's "syllabus week" at Purdue, which means classes and homework are gearing up.  Although work wise it may be the "easiest" week of the year, a solid, fresh start equates to a successful semester.  Ever wondered how to start a semester strong in college? Read advice from current students on how to make this your best semester yet!
Starting Strong (Literally)
Organization is the Answer to Everything
  • It goes without saying that being organized is a crucial part of a college student's life.  But in order to accomplish what you want to do in a timely fashion, start the first week of classes.  I like to make a weekly schedule and continue to follow it throughout the semester to keep a routine.  Also, plan out a schedule for the entire semester so you are aware which weeks will be busier than others.  Even if something is thrown your way, if you are organized ahead of time you will know exactly when you are able to do it.  Being organized also lowers stress levels, which is important in college.
Get Ahead on Your Work
  • The first week won't contain much homework, but if you get ahead on what you are given, then the rest of the semester will go much more easily.  It's easy to procrastinate your homework to the weekend, but if you work adequately during the week, you will be less stressed on the weekends and can relax.  Even just simply skimming the text before class can set you up for a quicker homework completion time
Set Goals for Yourself
  • In the middle of the semester, it's hard to really step back and see the big picture of things.  Take a few minutes to write down a few goals for yourself for the semester, so that you have something to drive for.  Whether it be doing well in a certain class, completing homework during the week, joining a club or hitting up that new restaurant in town, I think that it's important to have goals to remind yourself during a stressful week.  
Make a Semester "Bucket List"
  • This is similar to setting goals, but with a fun twist.  Think about the things you wish you could be doing last finals' week and compile it into a list along with other fun things you've always wanted to do.  Purdue has so many student events (check out a few here) and activities that you could never get bored of.  A few suggestions: trying a new GroupX class, seeing a PMO concert, attending a conference and, my personal favorite, attending a Purdue basketball game.
Start Good Habits
  • It's easy to fall off track once the semester picks up, but starting good habits will carry into the semester.   Look at your goals and figure out the things you need to do each week to accomplish them.  Some of which may include staying on top of the material during class (not cramming before exams), attending Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions biweekly, going to the gym and visiting your professors' office hours. Even if you don't have a specific assignment to work on, setting aside specified times helps to get into a routine for the semester.  I find that routine is helpful and makes my day less chaotic.
Find Value in Feedback
  • As humans, it's hard for us to truly know how we are perceived by others. Being open to and thoughtful of feedback will help you to project your best intentions. Getting to know professors in office hours is a great way to create an opportunity to ask for feedback from an expert in the field.

Act with Grit
  • Engineering is tough! Problem-solving is fun most of the time, but it can also be frustrating. When something gets tough, allow yourself to struggle, but persist until you finish what you started.

Lead with Purpose

  • Whether you're a leader for an organization or a class assignment, it's important to trust the people you're working with. Believe in their capabilities, and pay attention to how you can help everyone so the team can function to its best capability. Purdue University is a challenging school with an encouraging student body, so there are a lot of people who are eager to support you in your pursuit of engineering!
The beginning of a semester is truly what you make it out to be.  Figure out what you want and go for it! College is full of so many amazing experiences that you should take advantage of! As long as you take careful preparations, your semester will go as smooth as it did in high school.  

-Written by Allison Meyer and Brittany Allen
WE Link Leadership Team 

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