Remote Learning at Purdue

           Purdue University has transitioned to remote instruction remarkably well considering the circumstances. Professors worked tirelessly over spring break to make the transition seamless for when students returned to class. Though we don’t know yet what the fall semester is going to look like, we thought you might be interested in students’ perspectives of Purdue’s remote instruction environment.  We reached out to current students to get their thoughts on how the transition has been for them, from an academic and a social perspective. Read on to hear their thoughts!

How have your classes been structured since Purdue made the switch to remote learning?

“My classes now have recorded lectures, mostly pre recorded so we can watch at the time that is best for us. Homework assignments have continued like normal and one group assignment I had was condensed in its complexity to compensate for the inability to meet in person to finish it.”  ~ Marisa Hughes, BME ‘20

“My classes have mostly stayed the same throughout the remote transition. Most of my professors post lectures and then have a quiz or homework assignment covering the content from that lecture.”  ~ Kristen Stava, FYE ‘23

“My courses consist of both synchronous class meetings and online lecture videos. I was so surprised at how easily some of my professors made the switch to online learning. Apart from the lectures, I also have access to multiple question forums and can talk directly to a TA whenever I need help on a project or assignment.” ~ Sarah Ladd, FYE ‘23

What has your experience been like with remote learning?

“There were multiple opportunities to give feedback to professors and I always found classmates or TA's available to help answer my questions. I think the most important part of online learning was how dedicated the university was in trying to give us the best possible education. It made me realize how valuable being at Purdue really is.”  ~ Sarah Ladd, FYE ‘23

“It was definitely an adjustment, but professors have been understanding about the circumstances, and have done a great job communicating their plans to us.”  ~ Jackie Girard, CE ‘21

“It was definitely an adjustment for me. I had to adapt to keeping myself accountable to taking notes and doing assignments early instead of doing everything at the last minute, but I think it's helped me a lot more with time management. I've been getting into the habit of getting things done as soon as I can and that's given me more time to study for exams, making me much more confident when I take them.”  ~ Mattie Fitzharris, FYE ‘23

How has Purdue helped you stay connected to campus? How has Purdue offered you resources / support to ensure you are still succeeding in your classes?

“I've felt more connected because of all the resources I have with professors and TA's. Along with those, supplemental instruction is still available to me and I don't feel like I'm lacking any resources I would've had on campus.”  ~ Mattie Fitzharris, FYE ‘23

“The best way I have stayed connected to campus has been through academic and social group chats. It helps ease some of the stress of finishing the academic year alone when you know that there are other people going through the same thing as you. I've also found some fun in the weekly RecWell emails and have even tried out a couple of the cooking tutorials and video group classes!”  ~ Sarah Ladd, FYE ‘23

“Every one of my professors have made a point to offer their help in any way they can as we adjust to the change in teaching setting. I have received numerous supportive emails from them these past couple of months. Many of my professors have adjusted due dates to account for technical difficulties or other obstacles that arise. Overall, I’ve been grateful for their support as we finish up classes!”  ~ Marisa Hughes, BME ‘20

Madeleine Hollinger, Chemical Engineering '21
WE Link Leadership Team

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