I've been admitted to Purdue! Now what?

I can remember very clearly the day I got into Purdue. I just remember being nervous all day, but so excited and relieved once I received my admissions email. Once relief came, the question came next of “what am I supposed to do now?”. This is a very open question and next steps can depend on where you are in your college admissions process. Here are a few things to try to pick the right school for you, and once you do, what are the next actions we recommend taking.

1. Come to campus for a visit.

If you have not been to Purdue yet, I would highly recommend doing that if you are able. Purdue has an incredibly positive energy you can feel as soon as you step foot on campus. I remember how much campus really felt like somewhere I could call my home. Take an official tour from the office of admissions starting in Stewart Center to see both the residential and academic sides of the school. While you are here, you can also come visit the Women in Engineering Program Office on the second floor of the newly built Dudley Hall. If you come on a day during a Purdue’s for Me session, come join us and interact with current students who are happy to answer any questions you may have. We want to help you in any way during your college decision process. For other tips on narrowing down what school you want to attend, check out our blog post here.

2. Sign up for housing

Once you decide that you want to call Purdue your home for the next four years, pay for your deposit and sign up for housing as soon as possible. With that, you also have the opportunity to apply to one of the many learning communities such as the Women in Engineering learning community. The WiE learning community is great because you will be living in a space with other women who are taking similar or the same classes as you, making it really easy to find study partners. Your residential assistant (RA) on your floor is also an upperclassman in engineering, serving as a built-in mentor as you navigate the first-year engineering curriculum. If you have any more questions about the WiE learning community, check out our other blog posts here about it or contact us with any questions.

3. Keep and eye out for communication from us

Soon you’ll be receiving emails and other communication from our program to help you transition from high school to college and narrow down your college decision. Make sure to follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with our latest blogs, Instagram posts, Reels videos and more! We are here for you, and, again, you can contact us at any time via email or through our social media.

4. Enjoy the rest of your senior year!

Time really flies by, so make sure you soak up every minute of these last few months of high school. Spend time with your friends, go to prom, finish school strong, and get excited to graduate! These next four years will be a blast, but live in the now and enjoy the “lasts” of high school.

College is a great time to learn, discover yourself, and make long-lasting memories with people who may become your closest friends. Trying to figure out the school you want to do this at can be a confusing and tumultuous process, but it doesn’t have to be! There really is no better place to spend these next four years than Purdue.

Becca Jennings, MSE

WE Link Leadership Team

Stay Connected With Purdue WIEP!

Facebook: Purdue Women in Engineering

Instagram: @purduewiep

Blog: purduewiep.blogspot.com

Email: welink@purdue.edu


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