
Showing posts from September, 2018

Why I Chose Purdue

Beginning to think about where you want to attend college? Wondering why you should choose Purdue University? At the last volunteer night, some of the WE Link volunteers created photo collages of why they chose to study engineering at Purdue. Check it out below! Jacqueline Girard Civil Engineering "I chose Purdue for many reasons, but the ones that stand out to me are pictured above. I was interested in Engineering all throughout high school, and Purdue's program is top-notch. Additionally, I was accepted into the honors college, which was a great opportunity. As someone who grew up on the East Coast, I was excited to experience a different part of the country. Purdue gives individuals the opportunity to be a part of something larger than themselves, specifically through events like Industrial Roundtable (a large career fair on campus), where the purpose is to provide students with internships. The school spirit and traditions that Purdue offers are hard to fin...

How to Ace your College Search: 5 Tips from a College Student

It's application season and seniors everywhere are filling out applications, visiting schools and doing interviews. Below I will highlight some of my advice for finding YOUR school (hopefully Purdue). Go toward a school that lets you do what you love.  Don't just apply to a school for its "name". Figure out your interests and apply to schools that have programs, clubs or other resources to help you be your best. For me, the WIEP program is one of the many reasons Purdue engineering stood out to me.   Be passionate about your college essays.  As much as a pain the supplemental essays are to do, they really do matter. This is the only time you get to show your true colors, so write about something you love (and it will be easier to write, too). Ask for help.  There are many resources to make your essays and other parts of your application the best that it can be. Your best bets would be your English teachers and college counselors, althoug...

Student Spotlight: Robbie Williams ME'19

Name: Robbie Williams Major: Mechanical Engineering Graduation Date: 2019 What is your favorite part of engineering? I love that engineering explains how the world works! You can look at a jet and explain how it flies or how a refrigerator keeps food cold. Engineering makes me look at the world differently. What is your favorite class you have taken and why? I really enjoyed the basic mechanics classes (ME270 and ME274). I enjoyed how the principle of statics and dynamics can easily be seen in everyday objects and mechanisms. In addition to enjoying the topics taught in these classes, I also really liked the professors I had. What is the best thing about Purdue? The family! Purdue is a larger community built by a vast number of families. Whether these families are built based on shared majors, interest, religion or culture, your Purdue family will always have your back. Tell us about a fun memory about your time at Purdue! One of my fa...

Making the Most of Industrial Roundtable

For many engineering students, this past week has been a hectic time of preparing resumes and practicing elevator pitches. We are in the midst of IR, or Industrial Roundtable, the career fair here at Purdue. IR is aimed at engineering students, although other majors do attend. IR is a great opportunity for students of all ages to interact with big name companies and attain an internship, co-op, or full time job. Ready to take on Junior year at IR :)       Having attended IR every year including freshmen, there is so much experience you gain with each additional year. Starting freshmen year, I spent the weeks before IR visiting the center for career opportunities (CCO) and perfecting my resume/elevator pitch. Having professional advice gave me a ton of confidence when it came time to speak with recruiters and sell myself. Another way I helped myself stand out freshmen year was by researching the companies before going to speak with represent...

Why All Freshmen Should Go to IR

Next week is Industrial Roundtable, the largest career fair held at Purdue. Each year, around 400 companies set up booths to talk to students interested in both internships and full time positions. IR is aimed at engineering students but all West-Lafayette Boilermakers are welcome. Some freshmen may ask the questions: If I don't want an engineering internship next summer, why should I go to IR? Or If I’m just a freshman, what company would want to talk to me anyways? Ignore these doubts. Go to IR, talk to companies, get the experience, you will not regret it! Three reasons you should go to IR as a freshman: 1. Practice Makes Perfect Learning how to talk comfortably and confidently with company recruiters is a valuable skill and practice makes perfect! Talking to multiple booths this year will only help you be more prepared next year. Picture Credit: Society of Women Engineers - Purdue Chapter 2. You CAN get an Internship You could land a sweet internship! You ...