How to Choose Your Engineering Discipline

Selecting an engineering discipline can be a decision that feels extremely daunting to many incoming students. The design of Purdue’s First-Year Engineering Program enables students the opportunity to hold-off on making this important decision until their second semester of college. While it is helpful to have more time to make this decision, it does not make it any less difficult. For help on this topic, we interviewed Assistant Director of Student Success at Purdue, Darshini Render and she shared insight on how to make an engineering discipline decision that is right for you. Here are a couple of the key messages she shared: 1. Th ere is more than one path to “success”: whatever that word means to you Your discipline choice is just one component of what will influence your future career, future life, and future self. Many disciplines can lea d to multiple careers, AND many career fields are filled with individuals of a variety of discipline backgrou...