I've Applied to Purdue, Now What?
The Early Action deadline for Purdue University was November 1st. This was also the priority deadline to be considered for First Year Engineering at the West Lafayette location as well as many engineering disciplines in Indianapolis. This was also the deadline to be considered for Purdue’s full range of scholarships and the John Martinson Honors College. If you haven’t applied to Purdue yet, don’t worry! The regular decision application deadline is January 15th. If you have applied and are looking into any of these opportunities, congratulations! Here are some next steps you can take as you wait for decisions on January 15th.
Take a Break and Enjoy your Senior Year
It is so important to give yourself grace once you submit your college applications! It is a long process, and now is a great chance to hang out with your hometown friends and make senior year memories before going off to college. Use this time to prioritize your friends and family while maintaining your grades. Studying is still important, especially as some of your AP or college credit courses may cover certain class requirements toward your college degree. Personally, I was able to use my AP scores to free enough room in my schedule to do a Disney College Program in the Spring without extending my graduation date.
Research the Schools You Have Applied To
Now is a great chance to continue researching the schools you have applied to! Get to know the programs they have, the support that is available for students in your major, the learning communities available, and more. Here is a link to Purdue’s Women in Engineering Program YouTube where you can learn more about what it looks like to be a woman in engineering here at Purdue: https://www.youtube.com/@purduewie?app=desktop To further research schools, you can look for virtual information sessions they host, browse their websites/blogs for more information, or reach out to current students to hear their experiences. Here at Purdue, students involved in the Office of Future Engineers, the Women in Engineering Program, any school Ambassador program, and more would love to tell you about their experience.
Visiting Purdue during my senior year of high school
Tour Campus
You can even take this research one step further and actually tour campus. You can sign up for official tours/visit days or choose to visit on your own time. For those who live further away, there are often virtual tour options. Here is a virtual tour of Purdue's campus: https://www.admissions.purdue.edu/visit/virtualtour.php. There are many organized events on campus for prospective students. Here is a link to check out some of the visit opportunities at Purdue: https://www.admissions.purdue.edu/admittedvirtualexperience/index.php. Check out websites of programs or schools you are interested in to get more information about when these may be and how you can sign up. If you plan a visit on your own, I recommend reaching out to programs or schools you are interested in and meeting with students, advisors, or professors in those departments to get any questions you have answered to personalize your visit.
Look Into Scholarships
One thing you can do during this stage is research scholarships to apply for. While the priority deadline has passed to be considered for Purdue’s full range of scholarships, there are often many local scholarships available to graduating seniors. Once accepted to Purdue, you also have access to Purdue's Scholarship Universe where you can browse all potential opportunities. I recommend asking your high school advisor about these opportunities and start to prepare a resume of sorts to help you with scholarship applications. Learning how to communicate your role and impact in involvements will be important throughout your college and career journey.
Other Important Links:
Office of Future Engineers: https://www.purdue.edu/futureengineers/
Important Dates/Deadlines: https://www.admissions.purdue.edu/apply/deadlines.php
Visit Purdue: https://admissions.purdue.edu/visit/index.php
Purdue Housing Information: https://www.housing.purdue.edu/
Ella Richardson, ME '25
WE Link Leadership Team
Stay Connected With Purdue WiE Program!
Facebook: Purdue Women in Engineering
Instagram: @purdue.wie
Blog: purduewiep.blogspot.com
Email: welink@purdue.edu
Use the hashtag #PurdueWiE on Facebook and Instagram!
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