I'm Coming To Purdue! Now What?

We know you’re so focused on college applications and the decision process all year, but then May 1st comes and suddenly you're finished. You did it! Time for some well deserved rest as you get excited to join us this fall. I’ll share some ways to stay involved with Purdue over the summer as you prepare for your first semester of college. 

Ella and Emily by the Engineering Fountain

Purdue Orientation Programs

One of your first steps to starting your Purdue journey is completing orientation. This consists of Purdue 101, Academic Advising, Purdue 102, and Boiler Gold Rush! Purdue 101 is a module on Brightspace, our online learning platform, that will introduce you to Purdue. Once you complete it, you will meet with an academic advisor to fill out your Fall 2023 Course Request Form (CRF). This is how you will register for your first college classes (so exciting!). Then you will transition to Purdue 102, a second online module focusing on the transition to college and campus resources. Finally, you will have the option to participate in Boiler Gold Rush, a super fun week-long program to introduce you to campus resources and traditions before classes start. 

Here is the link for Purdue Orientation Programs: https://www.purdue.edu/orientation/

Getting Connected with WiE

Watch out for emails from Women in Engineering over the summer! We are so excited for you to join us this fall, and we want you to be aware of all our resources that you can take advantage of when you get to campus. Some programs to look out for over the summer and early fall are Mentees and Mentors (M&M), our Recruitment Project Committee (RPC), and ENGR 194. M&M is a great opportunity to get connected with a mentor in your intended major to help you navigate your first year. RPC is a chance to get involved with our social media team, and applications will open early in the fall semester. Finally, ENGR 194 is our Women in Engineering Seminar. It is such a fun class to take your freshman year to learn about where your Purdue engineering degree can take you. Make sure to talk to your advisor about this as you’re registering for classes! If you visit campus over the summer, feel free to stop by our office on the second floor of Dudley to talk to staff as well.

M&M: https://www.purdue.edu/wiep/CurrentStudents/Mentees-and-Mentors-Program.html

ENGR 194: https://www.purdue.edu/wiep/CurrentStudents/ENGR%2019400.html

Some Fun Things!

One exciting thing you get to do when you get here is decorate your dorm room! Start planning early and spend the summer collecting pieces to make your room feel special. A few things I recommend bringing unrelated to decorations include shower caddy/shoes, reusable dishware and dishwashing supplies, mattress topper, and extra storage! Another thing you can do is get to know others who will be joining you this fall. Maybe you know family friends or others from your high school who will be attending Purdue this fall. I recommend reaching out because it’s always nice to have a friendly face for your first few weeks on campus.

Enjoy your summer! It’s a well deserved break after your senior year of high school. Spend time with good friends and get excited for this big college adventure. Can’t wait to see you all on campus next year. As always if you have more questions feel free to contact us through email or Instagram. Boiler Up!

Ella Richardson ME '25

WE Link Leadership Team

Stay Connected With Purdue WiE Program!

Facebook: Purdue Women in Engineering

Instagram: @purduewiep

Blog: purduewiep.blogspot.com

Email: welink@purdue.edu

Use the hashtag #PurdueWiE on Facebook and Instagram!


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