Enhancing my Resume: by Abby Trusler

This summer, I was a camp counselor at a children’s overnight camp in Raymond, Maine. I applied for the job because I went to camp as a child and have always wanted to be a counselor. Before my summer experience, I thought that working at a summer camp was not going to enhance my resume. How much could my role as a camp counselor mean in the world of Industrial Engineering? I was simply working there for the experience. Turns out, I was wrong. Not only did I have one of the best summers in my life, my experiences will go a long way to help me in my engineering career. The main skill needed in working with children is leadership. The type of leadership needed to lead children, however, is different than what most  students experience. In college, we are leaders to our peers, whether it is in organizations, in classes, in sports, etc. At camp, I learned how to effectively communicate and lead with people of all different ages, whether it was with my boss, my fellow co-counselors, or campers ranging from 7-16 years old. Each group is different. Directing campers takes specific words, a specific tone of voice, and a specific delivery. Now, while I may not be working with children in my engineering career, my experience this summer helped me differentiate what is needed in each social situation. Industrial Engineering requires people skills, as it includes a lot of team projects and problem solving. The people on your work team might not always be the same age, the same education level, or the same professional level as you. It is important to know how to work collaboratively with team members in order to achieve your goals. My experience this summer at Kingsley Pines Camp helped me enhance my communication skills and foster the leadership skills I will need to be an effective communicator in my future career.
Me (middle row on left), co-councelor (middle row on right), and the twelve 13-year-old girls that were in our cabin for three weeks this summer


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