For Many Reasons and Every Season, We are Thankful for Purdue

“Ever grateful, ever true…all hail our own Purdue.” These words are well-known to all Boilermakers, as the lyrics to the chorus of “Hail Purdue”. As a reflection on our experiences in WiE and as Purdue students, here are our reasons why we are thankful for Purdue this season.

“What I love about Purdue is the community and camaraderie among students. Compared to other academically competitive universities, students here go out of their way to be helpful to their fellow classmates. Being in office hours and classes with my peers has allowed me to meet new, interesting people. Being surrounded by like-minded people and having that community in my classes has made my Purdue experience much more enjoyable.”
– Lily Brodzinkski ChE ‘25

“I’m grateful for how easy it is to find new activities to join on campus. Things like clubs, recwell classes, and RA events make it easy to find new interests and meet new people.”
– Madison Meunier ChE ‘27
This word web highlights some of the words we use to describe what we are thankful for at Purdue!

“I’m grateful for the student body at Purdue. Whether it’s going to a basketball game one night or walking to your next class, you can always find someone who’s willing to help you if you’re lost or someone who smiles at you, which can make your day.”
– Morgan Lehmkuhl CE ‘25

“I am grateful for the Women in Engineering program that first pushed me to Purdue. I didn’t know that Purdue established the first program until an alumnus came to my school and spoke so proudly of his experiences and the environment that he was able to learn in. This epiphany connects with another aspect of Purdue that I am grateful for; the alumni network that connects Boilermakers before and after graduation, whether their program was undergraduate or otherwise. I am grateful that even as an out-of-state student, I can’t leave my house without seeing a Purdue license plate or be greeted by a fellow Boiler on my plane rides. In this way, I am able to call Purdue home and carry it with me wherever I go. That being said, my experience at Purdue has also been defined by the campus, classes, professors, classmates, and friends I am surrounded by. I believe it is easy to find enjoyment in each when there are so many to choose from, and of such a high caliber.”
– Christine Mayo ChE ‘26

Lily Brodzinkski ChE ‘25, Christine Mayo ChE ‘26, 

Morgan Lehmkuhl CE ‘25, and Madison Meunier ChE ‘27

Recruitment Project Committee

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Instagram: @purdue.wie



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