Why all Freshmen Should go to IR

For many engineering students, this week will be a hectic time of preparing resumes and practicing elevator pitches. Next week is IR, or Industrial Roundtable, the career fair here at Purdue and the largest student run career fair in the nation. IR is aimed at engineering students, although other majors do attend. IR is a great opportunity for students of all ages to interact with big name companies and attain an internship, co-op, or full-time job. As a freshman, it may seem intimidating to speak with large companies when you have only just begun your college career, but go to IR, talk to companies, earn the experience and potentially an internship. You will not regret it!

Besides potentially scoring an internship or co-op, here are three reasons you should go to IR as a freshman:

1. Practice Makes Perfect
Learning how to deliver an elevator pitch confidently and clearly with company recruiters is a valuable skill that will carry throughout your next few years at Purdue. By getting out your first-time jitter’s freshmen year, you will be even more confident for future career fairs and IR your sophomore year. Plus feel free to stop by the CCO for a free consultation and practice your elevator pitch beforehand.

2. Freshmen CAN and DO get Internships
Despite the myth that freshmen don’t get internships, I am here to tell you that YES, they do! You may think you don't want an internship after your freshman year or that it is impossible for you to get one, but you never know what could happen! Go to IR and talk to companies. Be yourself and express your interests, you may find something that you are super passionate about and companies are here to hire you. My freshmen year, I spent days preparing for IR and after going and speaking with various recruiters, I landed an internship with Procter & Gamble! I learned so much working for P&G the summer after my freshmen year and all freshmen should take advantage of the opportunity to work for amazing companies as soon as possible.

3. Recognize Areas of Growth
Attending IR will push you to compile your resume. A resume is a very important part of eventually landing a job. As a freshman, compiling your resume and receiving feedback can be helpful to realize what you should do to enhance your time here at Purdue (campus involvement, service experiences, etc.). Recognizing these areas of improvement and taking action will make you a stronger candidate in following years.

Still not convinced? Let me share with you my freshman year IR experience. As a senior, I look back on my freshman year IR with gratitude. I was not planning to attend IR because I wanted to spend one more summer at home. But, my parents and ENGR 131 teacher convinced me to attend, and I am so glad that I did. I spent the weeks before IR visiting the center for career opportunities (CCO) and perfecting my resume/elevator pitch. Having professional advice gave me a ton of confidence when it came time to speak with recruiters and sell myself. Another way I helped myself stand out freshmen year was by researching the companies before going to speak with representatives. Mentioning specific facts about the company in conversation was a great way to show my interest and recruiters love a knowledgeable candidate. I started my first day at IR going to smaller companies before eventually building up to some of the biggest companies at IR. By starting small, I got out my nerves and by my third booth I was comfortable and ready to go. Being prepared freshmen year ultimately helped me land my first internship with Procter & Gamble. So, when it came to going back to IR sophomore year, I leveraged the connections I made freshmen year to help land interviews with new companies. The experience of going to IR freshmen year was beyond valuable because the next year, when I went to IR as a sophomore with the goal of landing an internship, I was confident and ready when I approached the first booth.
LT Megan at IR last year :)

All freshmen should go to IR! It is a great experience, and sophomore year you will be grateful.

Have your own IR experience you want to share? Email us at welink@purdue.edu!

-Megan Tandarich
Senior Mechanical Engineering 
WE Link Leadership Team

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