Choosing Purdue as an Out-of-State Student

With Purdue's recent release of Early Action admissions decisions, I can’t help but think about my own college search. Coming from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, I didn’t know if I wanted to attend a school that was far away from home. Below are some of my reasons that I decided to apply and attend to Purdue as an out-of-state student and why I am so glad that I did!
Kat with her friend Julia, another out-of-state student, at a basketball game!

The Opportunity to Meet New People

When I accepted my offer to come to Purdue, I knew I would not get to see some of my friends as often as I got to in high school. However, I found that this gave me the chance to reinvent myself in college and branch outside my comfort zone. Since no one from my high school came to Purdue, I was able to make friends that I was able to form a deep connection with that I may not have met if I had had friends from high school to keep me in my comfort zone!

Getting to Experience a New Culture

As someone from the northeastern part of the country, coming to Indiana was a refreshing change of scenery for me. Moving to the Midwest has allowed me to experience a culture I couldn't have if I stayed in state. Additionally, Purdue's suburban-feeling location allows students to have a true campus while also being able to involved in meaningful ways in the community. The combination of the culture of the Midwest and the culture of a rigorous, large state college like Purdue is something I realized I could not find anywhere else.

Range of Different Engineering Majors Offered 

I was really drawn to Purdue because of the range of different engineering programs offered. My in-state schools did not have the same range of engineering programs that Purdue offered, which was a reason that I chose to look out of state. I really liked that first-year undergraduates at Purdue are admitted to First-Year Engineering (FYE), meaning that it was perfectly fine to be unsure as to what specific engineering discipline you want to go into as an incoming freshman!

The Support Offered

Purdue has so many different support systems for first-year students, which helped me feel comfortable going to school far from home. Opportunities that I took advantage of my freshman year included the Mentors and Mentees Program, which pairs first-year students with an upperclassman, and the Women in Engineering Learning Community, which meant that I got to live on a floor comprised of mainly Women in Engineering.

If you want to learn more about Purdue and you can’t make it to campus, you can get questions you have about being a student at Purdue, what living on campus is like, or anything else related to Purdue, you can always reach out through the Purdue WIEP Instagram page or the Women in Engineering Link email. Current students will answer any questions you have or direct you to someone who can!

-Kat Kerr
WE Link Leadership Team

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